This grieving pup refuses to leave his deceased mother’s side until she says goodbye to her forever.

There was a little puppy that was born into a world of cruelty. His mother was not like other mothers. She didn’t care for her cub, nor did he show her any affection. It was a hard and cold world for the little cub.
Despite this, the cub still found love in his heart. He clung to her mother, hoping that one day she would show him the love and affection he craved. But as time went by, the pup realized that this was never going to happen.
One day, the pup overheard his mother talking to another dog about how she was going to abandon her puppies. The little cub was heartbroken. He couldn’t understand why his mother didn’t love him like the other pups.
As the day of the abandonment approached, the little cub became more and more desperate. He clung to her mother, refusing to let go. He didn’t want to leave her side until he said goodbye forever.
Finally, the day came and the little cub was left alone in the world. But even in his sadness, the cub knew he had to be strong. He had to find a new home, and he had to learn to love and trust again.
And so, the little puppy set out on his journey, with tears in his eyes but hope in his heart. He knew he would never forget his heartless mother, but he also knew he had to move on and find a new family to call his own.
The little cub walked for hours until he found a kind-hearted human who took pity on him. The human took the cub in and gave it a warm bed to sleep on. At first, the pup was wary of this new person. He had been hurt so much in the past that he no longer trusted anyone.
But little by little, the human gained the cub’s trust. The cub learned to love again and was grateful for the new home he had found. He played with toys, ate well, and had a warm bed to sleep in every night.
Although the little cub was happy in his new home, he never forgot his mother. He often wondered what had happened to him and if he was okay. The cub had learned to forgive his mother for abandoning him, but he still wished things had been different.
Over the years, the little pup grew into a strong and healthy dog. He had found a new family to call his own and had learned to love and trust again. But deep down, he still bore the scars from his past.
Every time the puppy saw a puppy that reminded him of his younger self, he felt a pang of sadness. He knew the pain those cubs felt and he wished he could protect them from the harsh world he had experienced.
But even though the little dog couldn’t change the past, he knew he could make a difference in the present. He had found a new home and a new family, and he was determined to live the rest of his life with kindness and love.
In the end, the little puppy had learned that even in a world of cruelty, there was still hope. He had experienced the worst life had to offer, but he had also encountered the best. And though he would never forget the pain of his past, he knew that he could still find joy and happiness in the future.