When you feel down and think things couldn’t get any worse, don’t give up.
There’s always a tiny speckle of hope that everything might change for the better.
But, when you’re a sad, abandoned, lonely puppy, you don’t see how things could get better.
Lost, without mommy or a kind hooman being to take care of him, this puppy was left to die in the middle of the road.
He was too weak to care, too weak to hope to be rescued.
And, too important not to be ignored by kind passengers that saved him.
One Year Really Makes A Difference
Being abandoned in the middle of the road is already too horrible. Besides the constant fear of getting run over by a car, there are other troubles hovering over the pup’s head. Fear, exhaustion, hunger, dehydration, lack of proper sleep, and lack of energy are just a few of them.
This poor pup that was found in the middle of nowhere almost found its end in the same spot where he was abandoned.
Luckily, a group of good people spotted him and they knew they had to save his soul.
The pup was rushed to the local animal hospital, all covered in more fleas than his tiny body could handle. He was getting bald spots in his coat because of all that scratching.
The hospital staff had him started on IV fluids so he would recover his strength. Further examination showed that he wasn’t severely ill. He was just dehydrated and missing a caring hooman being.
It didn’t take long for this poor pup to get adopted. Just a few short days after being administered into the shelter, this pup got a furever home!
A kind man adopted him and promised he’d take care of the little one as long as he lived. By the look of his new home and family members, this pup couldn’t be any happier: he got caring hoomans and furry siblings in the form of cats and dogs, too!
One year after being adopted, an update came from the owner, showing us how happy the doggo was! He was living his best life!
Happy doggo smiles to prove it!
If the passengers had looked away and ignored the poor pup, he probably would never have made it. Today, he’s a happy boy, thanks to good people who didn’t ignore his suffering.
If you see a dog in the middle of the road, abandoned and sad, don’t look away. Come closer and help out. If you can’t adopt him, someone else will. You’re just the link that helps find a furever home, and that’s good enough.