I bet you’ve seen it all; dogs riding bikes, acting like people, wearing costumes, etc.
But, I bet you STILL haven’t seen a dog mowing the lawn!
The video that went viral a few months ago, in April of 2023, is proof that doggy lawn mowing service is a thing, and it’s starting to take over the States.
Do they have a union?
How are their work hours?
How much do they charge per grassy yard?
And, do they bring their own lawn mower?
We gotta know everything about this new business booming!
Dog Lawn Mowing Service, How May I Help You?
It was a normal afternoon in Hepzibah, Georgia.
A Facebook user named MadMax Po was driving around the neighborhood when he noticed something odd.
He stopped the car and rubbed his eyes, but the image was still there… still very much alive.
That’s a dog riding a lawn mower.
MadMax couldn’t really believe his eyes, so he called someone on the phone just to make sure he wasn’t going crazy. The woman on the phone wanted to see that dog so badly, so Max took a video.
There was no doubt now; a dog was truly riding a lawn mower.
He was going back and forward, making sure no spot got skipped.
And, all that time, the dog had eye contact with Max, as if he was saying:
That’s right, I’m a dog and I’m mowing a lawn. What’s so strange about it?
The dog did what he had to do, finished his work, and slowly drove away, leaving the man behind the camera in absolute amazement.
No one knows who this mysterious dog worker from Hepzibah is.
No one knows if the business started here in Georgia, and if it would be spreading to neighboring states.
All we know is that this pooch is a professional, dead serious about his job and not allowing people passing by to mess with his work ethic.
A dog’s gotta earn his kibble somehow. Why not by doing a decent, hard-working job? And, no… he was definitely not controlled by a hooman with a remote.
Can’t a dog do something useful in this country?
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