Sleepy Dog Melts Over 1M Hearts Letting Herd Of Baby Goats Use Him For Jumping Practice
He wanted to lay on the soft ground and sleep.
Great Pyrenees dogs are hard workers. They guard at night. They haul equipment.
They do a lot so it’s just natural that they’d want to rest when they have the chance.
He wanted to lay on the soft ground and sleep.
Great Pyrenees dogs are hard workers. They guard at night. They haul equipment.
They do a lot so it’s just natural that they’d want to rest when they have the chance.
Great Pyrenees dogs are also nocturnal, so they’re naturally asleep during the day and active at night.
This Great Pyrenees just wanted to enjoy the sunshine, and nature and go to sleep.
This Great Pyrenees lives on a farm with lots of baby goats.
And what do baby goats do? They have lots of energy to burn and they keep running and jumping and playing.
Well, they didn’t want to just play with each other, they also wanted to play with their guard dog.
He wanted to lay on the soft ground and sleep.
Great Pyrenees dogs are hard workers. They guard at night. They haul equipment.
They do a lot so it’s just natural that they’d want to rest when they have the chance.
Great Pyrenees dogs are also nocturnal, so they’re naturally asleep during the day and active at night.
Well, for the baby goats, it doesn’t matter if their guard dog is sleeping or not.
They’re playing with him, whether he likes it or not.
One by one, they jumped over his legs, around him, and over his body.
Or at least they attempted to jump over his body but they just jumped on and off his body.
They ran around him, smelled him, and even checked if he was still breathing.
They were at least five baby goats trying to play with him while he was trying to sleep.
Even if he was tired, the dog wasn’t bothered by the baby goats. He loved the attention and he loved making the goats happy.
The Great Pyrenees were initially bred to be guard dogs for farmers. And they were the ones who guarded their animals, including cows and sheep.
Dog does his job of guarding the farmers, goats, other animals, and the farm at night while they sleep.
Dog sleeps during the day while they’re all awake and raring to play.
It’s become their routine and their routine won’t be changing anytime soon
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