Some puppies just never lose… HOPE!
At her lowest point in life, the little pup girl with the most beautiful name ever – Hope – never stopped believing that someone would find her! She was locked in a small crate and abandoned near an apartment complex, waiting for someone to become her hero.
Severely malnourished, skinny, and dehydrated, Hope waited for quite some time, fending for herself without anyone’s help until one day – her hopes were answered!
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Waiting For Someone To Be Her Hero
A giant-hearted passenger spotted Hope in really bad condition, and he immediately contacted Kreitzer’s Critter Corral Puppy Rescue, from Kannapolis, North Carolina.
After she was initially taken care of, the KCCPR team subjected her to a vet exam and provided her with basic necessities.
She was clearly traumatized, but the good people of the KCCPR team knew what to do! They gave her plenty of space to settle into the new environment, and a little plush toy just to make her stay a little more comfy.
A Lot Of Speed Bumps Along The Way
Alongside her malnourishment, she had sores formed all over her paws and she wasn’t quite able to stand or walk like a normal puppy.
“Hope was kept for extended periods of time in a very small cage (too small for her to fully stand in)…The combination of the pressure from laying/sitting in the same position for extended periods of time and direct exposure to urine/feces likely caused these sores to form,” KCCPR said.
Hope had a long way to go until she was fully recovered, but she already felt so much more comfortable in her new environment.
Bill and Liz Kreitzerand, of KCCPR, decided to foster this pawdorable girl, so she would socialize and adapt to family life a little faster – and she just loved it!
“Hope is getting more comfortable in her surroundings, but it will also take some time for her to feel safe and truly let her guard down. She has been through a lot of trauma and will need time to heal (emotionally and physically),” KCCPR wrote on their Facebook.
Aside from her regular meds and bandages, Hope got her own paw protectors, too!
Unbelievable Transformation
It didn’t take long for this girl to start embracing her new foster family as her own! After only a few weeks of treatments, Hope was back on her paws, eager to play and cuddle!
She finally realized that the days of being abused and hunched in a locked crate are behind her – and she then only had one mission to fulfill – to be as happy of a doggo as possible!
The Adoption Day Has Come
After two months of being around her caregivers in North Carolina – a family knocked on the KCCPR doors inquiring about Hope. They were super-excited to finally meet this adorable girl that needed a home, and they sure were ready to provide it!
Even though she was already used to Bill and Liz, Hope was equally enthusiastic about meeting her new family, especially her little hooman sister!
She loved them very much right off the bat, and she couldn’t wait to finally embark on a beautiful journey with them!
This is what Hope’s mom wrote to the KCCPR team only a few months after they adopted Hope:
“She is doing super great!! We love her dearly. She’s gaining confidence daily. She is super spoiled and the best cuddle buddy! I take her everywhere and she does so well. I’m so thankful for her. We couldn’t imagine life without her.”
We hope this brown and white doggo girl and her family live a long, happy life together!