A friend of mine came the other day and said she has to show me the most hilarious video on Earth.
Hmm, high expectations, but okay. I let her show me and it was a compilation of funny dogs feeling guilty. That’s funny, Karen, but not as funny as this!
I see your funny compilation and I raise you…
… a toddler pushing her pup in a stroller through a supermarket in Colorado!
I guarantee it’s the funniest thing you’ll see today!
Why Are These People Staring At Me?
I see nothing wrong here. I’m just minding my own business, casually strolling with my pup in her buggy.
That’s probably what Lion, a then one-year-old, was thinking.
Lion, her mom Lauren La Rocca, and her husband, Marcello, were out shopping in their local Whole Foods, in Colorado.
Of course, the family dog, Gigi, had to come, too! Gigi has been with the family for nine years. She’s a sweet Yorkie that had her favorite person in the world: Lion!
As you can imagine, Lion and Gigi do everything together, including going shopping.
But, how do you keep a frantic Yorkie calm at a supermarket?
You put it in a baby stroller!
Back then, when this video first appeared online in July 2019, Lion was still a baby that needed her stroller from time to time. Still, that didn’t stop her from acting all adult and putting Gigi in her own tiny stroller.
This little rockstar loved to pretend-play like she was the mommy and Gigi was the baby.
Lion casually strolled around with Gigi, checking out the fridge section, probably looking for chocolate milk, acting like she’s got some pretty big worries on her mind.
What to buy today? Why is milk getting so expensive?
All that time, Gigi was sitting in her stroller, waiting patiently for Lion to finish her shopping.
She was such a good girl, waiting for her mommy.
They both were such good girls!
Lion’s mom, Lauren, used to post cute videos of her precious little daughter and her pawdorable pooch under the handle @thelionsmama. You could see Lion on plenty of occasions walking Gigi, and she was just hardly bigger than the pup herself.
It has been four years since Lion’s shopping spree with Gigi.
Can we get more pawdorable videos of Lion and Gigi, pwetty pwease?