Let’s all wish a happy birthday to the 31-year-old cat, whose humans were chosen by him 26 years ago. His owner feels lucky to have shared 26 years of life with him

Let’s all wish a happy birthday to the 31-year-old cat, whose humans were chosen by him 26 years ago. His owner feels lucky to have shared 26 years of life with him
Say hello to Moggy Nutmeg the cat!
26 years ago this tabby cat from Gateshead,UK chose his humans by wandering into their backyard. Now at the age of 31, he is still going strong.
“He was checked over by the Cat Protection League, who said the condition of his teeth made him at least five years old and we have owned him for 26 years.”
The lovely couple rescued him and gave him a loving home. This kitty has been their most loyal and lovable companion ever since.
“We thought we had lost him and we were very upset, but after a few days in hospital he was back to his normal self,” Ian said. “He is a cracking old guy, and is still as cantankerous as ever.”
The Guinness record holder for the Oldest Living Cat is Scooter at the age of 30. Nutmeg can be quite a contender in this category.
This June Nutmeg and his family celebrated his 31st birthday together with the Dr. Gillis who saved his life.