Dogs are truly creatures that just need a little love and care to flourish and give their best.
Unfortunately, if they are surrounded by those who neglect them, or worse, who treat them badly, they can completely “wither”.
That’s why they always need those people who will provide them with all of that and help them reach their goals.
Along the way, love and friendship, even from those we least expect it from, can make a real difference.
She Didn’t Have The Heart To Leave Him On The Street
Jenny Desmond is an animal-loving lady who has spent a big part of her life helping the ones in need. That’s why she and her husband, Jimmy, founded the Chimpanzee Rescue Center.
Although rescuing endangered chimpanzees from rich people and corporations that make money from them is their primary focus, they have never shied away from helping other animals as well.
So, one day, while passing through a village, Jenny noticed a fading puppy right next to the road. She immediately rushed to get him and take him with her when she got into a heated argument with the local folks who felt that they should be paid for him.
When she refused, they demanded that she return him, even though the dog was visibly sick and infected.
This motivated her even more to take him because it was obvious that these people considered him their property, without taking any care of him.
“You see he’s being eaten alive,” she said, holding up the little dog for them to see. “You want me to leave him here and he’s gonna die?” she added.
Eventually, she was able to safely get him into the car, vowing to never bring him back to the village where the residents had so heartlessly watched him become sicker and sicker.
She was determined to give this puppy a chance at a dignified life that he truly deserves.
The Most Amazing Transfurmation With His New Pals
Snafu, as she called the puppy, had worms, a high fever, as well as eye and skin infections, and he was dangerously underweight.
When they got to the chimp shelter, she knew she had a tough task ahead of her. All of the above hinted that physical recovery would take a very long time, and what about the internal wounds that this puppy must have had?
First, she got rid of the worms and other bugs from inside of him, and then she bathed him so that he could at least feel a little better.
She left the more complex part of his recovery to her husband, Jimmy, since he is a veterinarian.
He slowly began to treat him for severe infections, and he also found that he was so starved that his body began to eat away at his muscles. That’s why they gave him food and drink little by little, so he wouldn’t go into shock.
After the initial part of the recovery was successful, everything went a little bit easier. After a few weeks, his fur began to grow back and his coat changed from scruffy and wiry to shiny and soft. It was a truly amazing transformation.
Of course, on his path to complete recovery, the emotional part was also important, and his new friends with whom he established a special bond helped him there. The rescued chimps were a big part of the journey to his new life.
They played with him, carried him when he couldn’t get down the stairs, and even cuddled with him. It was truly an amazing friendship that proved that differences are never a barrier, especially when it comes to friendship and love.
Snafu was on the right track, and with the help of so many good souls who were taking care of him, he slowly began to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
New Home With People That will Truly Love And Respect Him
After a year of rehab, both physically and emotionally, Snafu slowly transformed “from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly”.
He was unrecognizable, totally recovered, and cheerful again. All that was missing was the happy ending that he deserved.
And, as they conducted this incredible transformation, Jenny and Jimmy successfully completed this wonderful story.
At her niece’s insistence, Snafu continued his furever life at Jenny’s sister’s home in Colorado. There, he finally began to live life to the fullest and enjoy the immense warmth of his new home.
This is how this story about a sick dog found on the street, which was looked after and petted by chimpanzees on his way to recovery, ended happily and showed us all the power of relentless love and friendship.